Our Dev Ped couldn't recommend a school that will let her be integrated or partially mainstreamed. He recommended us to a SPED School but I was half hearted about it. I inquired but unfortunately there were no slots open for her.
I resorted to surfing the Internet to find a school that accepts children with special needs. It was a tough search. I would search for the highly recommended pre-schools and would read their background if they accept special needs children. Not only a handful we're accepting special needs children, most of them does not accept children with physical disability. My heart broke each time I inquired because it felt like rejection after rejection. I felt that my daughter was being rejected without giving her a chance to show her abilities. Yes, she is differently abled, yes she has cerebral palsy, yes she needs additional support while in school but she is also very intelligent. Her speech might be hard to understand but cognitively she is at par or even better with the other kids who are the same age as her. I couldn't help but really cry a lot during this time. I felt that my daughter was being discriminated and I couldn't do anything about it.
I stopped searching for a month. I just couldn't face and handle all the rejections once again. When school was about to start, I started searching again until I found school that accepts special needs children. I contacted them and they said they accept cerebral palsy children. We were scheduled for an assessment two days before school started. They were quite impressed with Cal and they recommended her to be mainstreamed with all the kids in the toddler class. Imagine my happiness and elation when I heard the news. I thank God that He really has a plan for everything and to never despair.
Cal started school in 2012 and she loved every minute of it. Her yaya needs to stay with her the whole time because she needs to be assisted I every aspect of her gross and fine motor skills. It did not hinder Cal from excelling in school. During her moving up day, she was awarded academic excellence and I couldn't help but cry with so much happiness. My daughter is a fighter and nobody can put her down.
Phot of us during her moving up day...
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